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Chronicles of City M (Hidden Gem) Bundle

Chronicles of City M (Hidden Gem) Bundle

Chronicles of City M (Hidden Gem) Bundle

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The complete Hidden Gem series. Winner of the Dorian Grey Mystery Award, this series includes angels, werecreatures, vampires, mermen, witches, zombies, and dragons, oh my!

Hidden Gem:
He can dive into the memories of others, including murder victims. Can he help the man he loves solve a slew of rage killings before he’s next?

Cardinal Sins: Is the face in the water his last chance at love? A virus is spreading through the city, targeting the humans with mutations.

Candy Land: No one is safe from the mutations needed to survive. Can Candy find the strength to save his lovers?

Benny's Carnival: Novella featuring Shane and Aki and what the future may hold for all the HG boys.

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Hidden Gem: He can dive into the memories of others, including murder victims. Can he help the man he loves solve a slew of rage killings before he’s next?

Shane contracted the mutation during the third World War, a corruption of the blood that forces him to violently shift into an animal every month. He uses his heightened senses to track down the missing or murdering dredges of humanity. His only safe haven is a hustler with the ability to see other people’s pasts.

A psi, hiding in plain sight, Misaki spends his days pleasing men for money and basking in beautiful shoes. Shane’s presence in his life sometimes means gruesome murder cases and memories that give him nightmares, but he can’t help being drawn to the gruff detective.

When an official’s daughter goes missing, Shane asks for Misaki’s help. But the trip into the killer’s mind opens a door to evil long forgotten and it’s coming for them next.

Cardinal Sins: Is the face in the water his last chance at love? A virus is spreading through the city, targeting the humans with mutations.

Paris is the most powerful man in the city, but he’s been hiding a painful secret—the world’s toxic environment is killing everyone, including him. His search for a way to stop the spread reveals lost facilities, buried nightmares of horrific events, and an abandoned mer-creature who has found a way to survive in tainted water.

Rescued from lonely years trapped in ice and contaminated water, Rain is trying to find his feet, literally. He’s stuck in a giant pool, watching the man who saved him slowly deteriorate. Meanwhile a virus is ravaging the city, attacking those with mutations.

When the past that Paris thought he’d escaped arrives for revenge, will they survive the change? Or will it succeed where the last plague failed and kill them all?

Candy Land: No one is safe from the mutations needed to survive. Can Candy find the strength to save his lovers?

Jackson is investigating murders of hustlers while trying to keep his focus on two in particular; Ivy, who gives him gifts of plants in the middle of winter along with delicate bites of cake, and Candy, the brash and in charge head of the red-light district.

When the three of them are ripped apart by a gruesome attack, Jack loses control and lets the monster inside him free, exposing secrets they were never meant to share. While the media is focused on the horrors of Jack’s on camera transformation, the murderer sets their sights on Candy, determined to take down the entire city.

The trio will have to evolve or be swept beneath a tsunami of rising power.

Benny's Carnival: Novella featuring Shane and Aki and what the future may hold for all the HG boys.

Tags & Tropes

Dragons, shifters, fated mates, magic, and murder, oh my!

Look Inside: Prologue

Misaki sucked in a deep, cold breath, wondering when he’d finally die. How long had it been since he’d last eaten? A week, maybe more? He couldn’t remember the taste of food. Even the gruel they got in the concentration camp had been better than nothing. 

The cold frost of winter covered the streets and made him shiver. Layers of dirty clothes stolen from the trash and other homeless didn’t help. Somehow the wind blew right through him. 

He huddled in a doorway in the heart of the City M slums. There had been talk of police enforcement sweeping through, jailing those like him, throwing others out of town. He could hope for jail. It had a roof, heat, and inmates got food. If he hadn’t escaped the containment camps of the south, he’d have thought anything would be better than this endless cold and gnawing hunger. But really he’d had it much worse. 

People wandered by him. Some even paused to stare. Did he look so awful? “Spare some food?” he whispered, not too proud to beg, but knowing well enough not to meet their eyes. A shadow loomed over him, then another joined the first. He should have been afraid, but they could do nothing that hadn’t already been done. Any violence against him now would likely kill him, and he had longed for death for years. 

“He’s a child,” one voice said. 

“Small, but I bet he’s legal or will be soon. Good bone structure. Could be pretty with some meat on him,” another replied. 

“I have people begging to work for me. What do I need of a street urchin starved near to death?” 

“A hidden gem. Give me six weeks with him, and he’ll be one of your biggest earners. I did promise when I bought out my contract that I’d find you a comparable replacement.” 

“How can you see this as your replacement, Paris? He’s a psi. People will run the second they glimpse those eerie eyes.” 

Their banter bounced back and forth like Misaki couldn’t hear them. He squinted against the sunlight to try to make out the figures without blatantly staring at them. One was younger, handsome, dressed up like some sort of dandy or a prince from a storybook. The other stood tall and firm like a soldier. Misaki cringed away from the older man, too many memories of beatings, experiments, and pain. 

“You had a brother who was psi, did you not? You once told me he went missing at a young age. How would you feel if the world treated him like this? Left him out here to die like a rat? I plan to put an end to this homelessness in my new job. No matter how the other senators fight me, I will use my own money if I have to. No child should end up like this.” The younger man was speaking. He knelt down, reaching his hand out. “What if I offer you food, shelter, and safety, little one? Would you come with us?” 

False promises. Misaki had heard a lot of those. “What do you want me to do?” he whispered, not daring to hope. No more experiments—please, if there was any sort of god or goddess of life and death, there would be no more. He’d go with them anyway, if only to hasten death. Surely it would take him sooner rather than later. He had already endured so much. The pretty man before him could be an angel from the darkest bowels of hell, and Misaki would still go with him. Maybe he could be warm for a few minutes. Or even have the endless ache in his stomach eased by a bit of broth. He could only dream of having someone to hold him again like Hyeon had. Hope was by far the cruelest of emotions. 

“My friend here offers contracts for favors. You’ll have food, shelter, security, all the clothes and pretty things you could ever hope for, and all you have to do is work for him. Ease the troubles of others, provide pleasure, and be all they hope to ever attain, even if it’s only for a half an hour.” 

“You want me to be a prostitute?” Misaki couldn’t see anyone wanting the battered shell he was, starved, emaciated, ugly. Who would pay for that? And then there was his curse. “I can’t touch people. I see things....” 

The older man sighed. “Useless, Paris. If you want a charity case, so be it. But I don’t know how I can use him.” 

“Six weeks, Bart. Give me six weeks. What is your name, child?” the younger man, Paris, asked. 

“Misaki. Misaki Itou.” Please take me with you. Or kill me. Anything but leave me in this misery for one more day. 

“Misaki—a shining star indeed. Six weeks, Bart, and you’ll be unable to hide the brightness of this little gem.”

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